Foraging Episode 1.03 Emelien Devos on multispecies anthropology

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At the time of recording, Emelien Devos was putting the finishing touches to her PhD dissertation at the University of Ghent, titled “Self-willed Growth: A More-than-human ethnography in West Tanzania”. Her brilliant work on multispecies entanglements and their repercussion on food consumption addresses urgent global issues from the vantage point of ecosystems and human communities that seldom reach public awareness in the global North. In this episode, Emelien discusses what an anthropology “beyond the human” can mean, differing understanding of what counts as “natural” and “healthy”, as well as multispecies uses of space.

You can listen to this episode on Spotify and Apple Podcasts as well as on our website.

Photo credits: “Mzee Raymond Simon Luntu drawing the elephant road network on the ground in Lubhalisi, picture taken by Emelien Devos”