I am a social and environmental anthropologist. I have recently concluded my PhD in Social Anthropology at University College London. My doctoral thesis is the result of sixteen cumulative months of fieldwork conducted among Bayaka foragers in the Republic of Congo (Likouala department). In an effort to reconceptualise the dialectic between movement and space, my thesis examines Bayaka entanglements with forest landscapes at multiple scales by looking at Bayaka dwellings and mobilities, foraging strategies, and relations with significant non-human others, specifically ancestral and forest spirits. My research interests include post-colonial forest management and socio-ecological change; mobility, sedentarisation, and land rights; more-than-human agency and multi-species ethnography. I am thrilled to begin a postdoctoral position in the FORAGENCY project at Vrije Universiteit Brussel on the impacts of colonialism on local communities’ relationship with the environment in Central Africa with a specific focus on medicinal plants and healing.