Past workshops

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11 January, 2024: History beyond the human

Diogo de Carvalho Cabral (Trinity College Dublin): Meaningful Clearings. Human-Ant negotiated landscapes in 19th century Brazil

Iva Pesa (University of Groningen): Studying Mining through Plants on the Central African Copperbelt

Violette Pouillard (CNRS/UGent): Animal History as Social History

5 February, 2024: Oral history

Margot Luyckfasseel (VUB/SAB): Scratching the surface: Ngwana Women in and Around Kisangani at the Turn of the 20th century

Enid Guene (UGent): Studying the History of Hunter-Gatherers in a Rural Setting: Combining Oral Testimonies, (an Absence of) Archives, and Other Sources

Gillian Mathys (UGent): “Entangled pasts and presents: Decentring dominant paradigms and tracing the trajectories of oral narratives in conflict settings  (Lake Kivu region)”.